November 27, 2019 |

ALkhadim – Teledeclaration

ALkhadim: EDI Teledeclaration allows you to transmit in EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) the different declarations concerning your company:

ALkhadim services: EDI

SIMPL services currently available are as follows:


for online membership of SIMPL services


pour la déclaration et le paiement en ligne de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée.


for the teledeclaration and the telepayment of the corporate tax.


for the online filing of the Annual Global Income.

Online filing is mandatory for all companies. In addition, all companies without turnover requirement must teletransmit their tax packages.

ALkhadim benefits: EDI Teledeclaration


teletransmission in a few clicks of your tax returns

Time saving

statements are pre-populated by your EBP software. Teletransmission is instantaneous.


you are informed of the receipt and validation of your declarations.


teletransmission is completely secure. Your data is verified, archived and available at any time.

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