website creation

Création de Sites Internet

Do you want to have or update a website?
C2M SYSTEM is a company specialized in communication in all its forms. Our mission is to support companies in the implementation of their projects, providing expertise and a suitable, efficient and scalable solution.
Discovery formula

You are an association or an SME and you want to appear on the internet? We develop for you a site consisting of one to five pages with your images and your logos. We take care of everything from subscribing to your domain name to hosting.
Your site is brought to evolve regularly? We propose to develop a dynamic website (ASP or PHP) composed of one to fifteen pages. You will only have to modify the contents of a database via an administration interface to change your site.
Freedom formula
Do you need a large site or specific developments? Contact us for a quote that meets your expectations.
Updating your website
A website is the reflection of the company or association it promotes. An obsolete site, with undiscounted information, can constitute an image risk for the company or the association. Be careful not to fall into this pitfall: entrust us with your site and we will take care of updating it. If you wish, we can also take care of your web databases (updates, maintenance, administration).

Become known:
A website is an excellent business card that will give a brand image to your company. To be known, your services must be known to all; however, a site will give you this opportunity, since it is a real showcase on the world. Thanks to the internet, you will be able to get to know you quickly, efficiently and at a low cost, without limiting borders.
Offer new services
Owning a website is part of a global communication policy with the customer, as well as a brochure, a catalog or an advertisement. Thanks to your site, you will be able to inform your current customers of all that concerns them, of the news of your new services.
Your site will undoubtedly allow you to find new customers because the majority of your visitors are people likely to be interested in your services and are potential customers. Know that the interest they will bring to your services will depend largely on the quality of your site.
Grace a votre site internet, vous pourrez offrir de nouveaux services a vos clients ou a vos abonnes : par exemple, vous pouvez mettre en place un systeme de conseils personnalises via un forum de discussion, ou encore proposer une mailing-list pour les informer de toutes les nouveautes ou de votre actualite. Vous pourrez egalement rendre toutes les informations sur vos produits accessibles.
The higher the quality of your services, the more you will increase your brand image with your customers and the more likely you are to attract new ones. All this communication strategy via your website should increase the notoriety of your company or your association. But to be credible, a professional site must be of quality, both in terms of content and form. We put all our know-how at your disposal. For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Nos réalisations

Voir nos réalisations

banque populaire
ministère de l'intérieur
cogelec image
mirohome logo
agadir logo 1
dalaa logo
stam logo 1
nexans logo 1
louis massignon
tes logo 1
indh logo
safran logo
unilever logo
aliacar logo
astoria logo
C2M System est une société spécialisée dans le développement de logiciels et de solutions informatiques. Nous offrons des services variés, allant de la conception de logiciels personnalisés à l'intégration de systèmes. Notre équipe s'efforce de fournir des solutions innovantes, adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de chaque client, en garantissant qualité et performance.
Residence FIRDAOUS, office space Im 2 n 26, Casablanca, Morocco
Copyright ©MoroccanApp Tous droits réservés.